Herman Spector

In this age of Wordies, we must contrive their mechanical means the Readies... but after the Readies, what? it is simple. we go the way of all flesh, towards spiritualization. Take that new thingamabob, now, worked by waves of ether that are controlled and modulated simply by waving both arms or either, in an orchestral manner and producing substantially music for only 275 dollars: which price will suffer or enjoy a reduction, coincident with increased sales of the commodity, until: BE YOUR OWN MUSIC-MASTER-FOR THIS WEEK ONLY---$2.75---ACT NOW! as with music, also only more so, with thought. simply consider what stuff lies buried within the folds of nickel-artists convoluted brains. absolutely impossible even for the wordie-birdie to exploit ; as the english sparrow lightens the labors of street- cleaners, so the wordie-birdie makes freud fairly obvious... and though with the Readie-tape the process of eating words is accelerated--- that is not yet enough ! (swe

Playing now: NICKEL-ARTISTS by Herman Spector

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