Charles Beadle

a moon scurrying like a plane thro ruck of fleecy clouds above indigo tree tops + + + + birdlike eyes of blue metal have power of disintegrating thought feelings = hard = exterior + sombre eyes peering from outside + eyes resembling bits of coal = blue shiny points = looking from inside = eye with power creating ideas emotions + eyes with sense sf wonder + image big round eyes rolling dizzily in space + + nostrils flanged sea shells + + voice afar + + oriental features + + swooning towards queer odour + musk? + + bright eyes gazing into bosom at febrile heart + + Damn those eyes! = coal like eyes dreadfully near = choking sensation + + damn o damn those eyes + + + + a dry moon like dog chasing pallid sheep + + + + powerful arm = clinging laughing = echoes along moon beams = how big strong + scream- ing laughter + funny man = tousled grey beard + blue eyes = rocky mouth hacked by axe + in night gown = husband + + s

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